Seitenanzahl: 112
Abbildungen: 6
Format: 21.5 x 14.5 cm
Gebundene Ausgabe
ISBN: 978-2-9701445-0-2
Erscheinungsdatum: 08.03.2021
On a cold, damp Sunday in February 1959, the men of Switzerland decide whether to grant women the right to vote. But what about Swiss women on that day?
Vreni is a hardworking farmer’s wife with grown-up children and abandoned dreams. Her daughter Margrit seems to have found success as an office girl in Bern but suddenly finds herself trapped in a difficult situation. Esther, a Yenish woman who was taken from her family as a child, works as a hospital cleaner. Now that her own son Ruedi has been taken into care, the future looks bleak. Esther’s boss Beatrice has made a good career as the hospital administrator. She dreads the prospect of a no vote after putting her heart and soul into the yes campaign. A compelling story of four unforgettable characters whose paths are connected on this voting day by the fate of a ten-year-old foster child.
“In this very realistic story of four women in 1950s Switzerland, Clare O’Dea gives us an understanding of Swiss history from a rather different angle.”
Ruth Metzler-Arnold, former Swiss Federal Councillor
Format 21.5 x 14.5 cm
Gebundene Ausgabe
ISBN: 978-2-9701445-0-2
Erscheinungsdatum 08.03.2021